Here is a job we finished up early fall. This is a landscape and lawn maintenance van body named the Morgan ProScape. The rear door duals as a heavy duty aluminum ramp. A view of the side with a drop down step and an wood clad aluminum door. This body also has vents in the front and rear sides to provide air flow while hauling gas cans. The inside of this van body has a hardwood floor, hard wood scuff 10in high, ply wood lining, and 3 rows of hard wood slats to provide locations to tie off equipment. A rear view of the bi-fold ramp open and closed. This ramp uses a counter balance similar to roll-up door to offset the wait of the ramp and makes storing the ramp a breeze. The fiberglass roof is translucent which provides great lighting throughout the day and there are LED lights on the ceiling to give visibility when the days get long. The cab over design on this truck provides a shorter wheel base which gives an advantage out in the field and customers drive ways, making turning and backing easier. Thanks for looking and feel free to contact us about any van body needs you have!
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We finished this job last week for a local customer. This customer has heavy flooring equipment that he needs to load and unload on a regular basis. The matching aluminum van body with stainless steel corners, the aluminum liftgate, and the fiberglass nose cone help create a professional image in the field! We set this customer up with a Maxon, 3,300lbs capacity, aluminum liftgate and a large liftgate platform. This gives them ample room load/drive their equipment on an off safely and the capacity to lift large loads. In addition, the aluminum platform will continue to provide a great image for many years to come! The inside of the van body is lined with plywood with two rows of "E" track for ease of load securing. The bottom 10.5" of the wall is lined with Apitong hardwood to handle the normal skids and bumps of being used. Additional galvanized steel plate behind and above the hardwood in the front of the body gives added protection. The floor is our standard 1.125" laminated hardwood and the rear few feet is overlaid with 1/8" steel. Fiberglass nose cones are a huge fuel savings over the life of a truck. Light weight and corrosion resistant, nose cones allow the wind to slide around the truck in more laminar flow. This results in less resistance and directly influences vehicle mileage! Thanks for checking out the post! We would love to help you with your next truck project!
Here is a job we just finished for Avanti's Ristorante. Avanti's is a growing local restaurant company that started in Peoria. They serve Italian food and make all the dough and sauce fresh at their commissary in Peoria! The same day the dough is made, it its placed on trays and carts and transported to the restaurants. This allows the dough to be baked into bread the same day it is consumed! This truck and reefer unit ensure the new dough stays at the exact needed temperature while it travels to the restaurants. Here is a view of the Thermo King freezer unit located on the front top of the body. This is the system that does all the work of keeping the proper temperature inside the insulated van body. The diesel driven freezer unit is tied directly into the chassis fuel system so there is only one tank. The inside of the reefer is lined with fiberglass so it can easily be cleaned. The bottom 16" of the walls have aluminum scuff that is welded solid to the floor and attached into the walls. This body has 3 rows of "E" track that facilitates securing the carts of dough. Up in the top middle of the body is where the Thermo King Reefer unit is located and the cold air is blown out into the body. The carts of dough are loaded and unloaded via liftgate. On this truck we paired them with a Palfinger 3000lb rail gate. Rail gates are generally built for longer life with higher cycles. This gate will be used dozens of cycles every day for 363 days/year! The aluminum platform automatically folds out and has dual cart stops that flip up with the bump of the operator's foot. This allows carts to be rolled on freely and then secures them during the lifting process. Thanks for checking us out and feel free to contact us with questions about the post or if you need information on setting up your refrigerated or freezer body!
Here is another job we just finished. This 24 ft van body is custom painted to match the Ford factory silver metallic. It really turned out sharp The interior has a hardwood floor, hardwood scuff rail, ply-wood lined, 2 rows of e-track, and LED dome lights. A view of the side, the rear ICC bumper, the roll-up door and dock plate. Thanks for looking!
Here is a smaller van body that we just finished up. This is an aluminum body with bonded sides(meaning no rivets across the sides). We also installed a nose cone on the front of this body which really helps with fuel mileage. A view of the bonded side This body has plywood lining, laminated hardwood floor, tread plate rear entrance, translucent roof, LED interior lighting, and recessed, rotating "D" rings for securing cargo. The stainless steel rear frame and aluminum underbody boxes resist corrosion very well and should stay looking great for a long time! When it comes to van bodies there are so many options. We will do some posts later to highlight some of them but if you very have an questions feel free to give us a call! Thanks again for looking!
This job is just getting finished up! The truck is for a school district that needed a way to haul it's band equipment around. This van body is an actual "bandwagon." The customer requested side skirts to detour rambunctious students from trying to take a shortcut underneath the truck(which happens so they say). Anyway, it really dresses up the body! Here is a view of the inside of the body. There is "E" track along the sides to tie instruments up and angle iron on the sides which will support a drum transfer plate. The sun is kind of glaring on this one... but rear frame is stainless and will stay looking nice for a long, long time. Ready for a tour!
Here's a nice delivery rig that we just finished up! The body is a 16ft Morgan Gold Star Reefer aluminum insulated van body The van body is paired with a Thermo-King Model T-680R-50 Refrigerator/Freezer unit. This unit has a 230V Electric Standby so the customer can keep things cool at the dock without running the engine. This body has a stainless steel rear frame. Over the course of 15-20yrs, most users will repaint the rear frame of their truck at least once. The cost to repaint the rear frame once is about the cost difference between stainless steel and paint steel. So if you are planning on running a rig for a while and want it to look nice, stainless rear frames seem like a no brainer! The customer needed a liftgate with large platform and capacity to lift heavy loads of ravioli. We pair them with a Palfinger Model ILT-35 with a 3500lb lift capacity. This tuck-away liftgate allows the customer to load at locations with a dock and delivery to places were ground unloading is necessary. Please leave a comment!
January 2025