Here is as small job we recently finished up. Well known for years, the Weatherguard truck toolboxes provide a clean look, useful storage option, and currently use one of the most favored latch mechanisms available. A few closeups of the boxes. The weatherguard 127-0-03 saddle box rests and mounts directly across the sides of the bed. The 184-0-03 side boxes attach with brackets to the saddle box, the floor of the bed, and through the side of the bed. A final view of the completed truck.
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We recently installed some Weather Guard tool boxes on this pickup truck. Weather makes some great truck boxes that are known for their durability, security, and long lasting finish. A few more pictures of the install on this frosty morning. Here are a few views of the fuel tank and FILL-RITE fuel pump and nozzle. Thanks for checking out the post!.
January 2025